Our Services

Financial Planning

We’ll assess the totality of your finances and develop a plan that helps you meet your long-term and short-term goals. We’ll run a SWOT analysis to identify what’s going well and what needs improvement. We’ll also organize your finances and provide financial coaching to help you make decisions with confidence.

Retirement Planning

We’ll analyze your current retirement savings and develop a strategy to help you retire on your terms. We’ll determine the best income distribution strategy, review your tax liability, and plan out what-if scenarios.

Investment Management

We’ll help you make informed investment decisions and manage your portfolio to help you stay on track. With respect to your risk tolerance, we’ll find investment options that can focus on your returns and help you reach your long-term financial goals.

Risk Management/Insurance Planning

We identify potential risks to your financial plan and take preventative measures to safeguard your wealth. We’ll asses your needs in relation to your current life insurance policies to avoid any gaps in coverage. We also run a long-term care insurance analysis and advise you on disability insurance so you’ll have what you need in any scenario. 

Estate & Family Planning

You’ve spent a lifetime building wealth. We’ll help you decide how to pass that wealth to the next generation effectively. Take care of your family and your community with charitable giving strategies, trust planning, and establishing a will or power of attorney. 

Education Planning

You want to give your children or grandchildren the gift of a college education or private school. We’ll help you determine how to pay for it. We assess the total cost and help you determine the most tax-efficient education saving method. 

Medicare Planning

We offer time back to focus on your own health, rather than how to pay for healthcare. Oak Capital specializes in personalized guidance to optimize benefits and keep the health of your mind, body, and finances on the right track. 

Oak Capital Private Wealth can help position you for success by offering a wide range of financial services. 

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Take the first step toward a more confident retirement.

Schedule a complimentary discovery call to talk about your current financial picture, your long-term retirement goals, and ask initial questions.

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